Wednesday, October 2, 2013

PhD Student (f/m) in Quasiparticle Dynamics in Graphene

In the framework of the priority program “Graphene” of the German Research Foundation the Otto Hahn Group “Ultrafast Electron Dynamics” at the Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter (MPSD) in Hamburg


The Research Group works in close collaboration with the Condensed Matter Dynamics Department of Prof. Andrea Cavalleri at the MPSD and the Nanoscale Science Department of Prof. Klaus Kern at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research (MPI-FKF) in Stuttgart. The position will be based in Hamburg but explicitly contains research trips to the MPI-FKF and various Synchrotron radiation facilities worldwide. The work aims at a better understanding of the limits of the charge carrier mobility in epitaxial graphene, a truly two-dimensional carbon layer supported by a substrate. Special emphasis is put on the influence of screening, disorder, and the interaction of the massless graphene charge carriers with other quasiparticles. The experimental techniques employed include both time-resolved and static angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) as well as scanning tunneling spectroscopy/microscopy (STM/STS), providing access to the electronic structure both in momentum space and real space as well as quasiparticle dynamics in the time domain.

The successful candidate is a highly motivated and enthusiastic experimentalist with a strong background in condensed matter physics. Experience with femtosecond laser systems, ultrahigh vacuum, ARPES, or STM/STS is beneficial. The candidate should possess excellent English skills and enjoy working in an international team.
Nr of positions available : 1

Research Fields

Physics - Condensed matter properties

Career Stage

Early stage researcher or 0-4 yrs (Post graduate)

Research Profile

First Stage Researcher (R1)


Payment will be according to the German TVöD standard.

The Max Planck Society is committed to employing more handicapped individuals and especially encourages them to apply. The Max Planck Society seeks to increase the number of women in those areas, where they are underrepresented, and therefore explicitly encourages women to apply.

Comment/web site for additional job details

For further information please contact:
Dr. Isabella Gierz,email: or
Dr. Christian Ast, email:

Interested candidates should send an application letter, curriculum vitae, and the name of two references until 15/11/2013 to:

Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter
Personell Department
Luruper Chaussee 149, D-22761 Hamburg

SPINOGRAPH: Spintronics in Graphene; PhD and postdoc positions

A Marie Curie Initial Training Network (ITN) on Spintronics in Graphene. The SPINOGRAPH network brings together 9 world leading partners and offers a total of 11 Early Stage Research (ESR) PhD positions for 36 months and 4 Experienced Researcher (ER) post-doctoral positions for 24 months.


Projects´ references and titles:
- ESR 1: Modeling spin transport and control in devices of graphene and other 2D crystals; at the International Iberian Nanotecnology Laboratory (INL)
- ESR 2: DFT calculations for graphene and other 2D crystals: defects, adsorbants and spin-proximity; at the International Iberian Nanotecnology Laboratory (INL)
- ESR 3: Intrinsic magnetism in graphene and its control using molecular doping and electric field effect; at the University of Manchester
- ESR 4: Graphene-based hybrid devices for spintronics; at theUniversity of Manchester
- ESR 5: Spin-orbit coupling in graphene layers on heavy atom substrates; at the Centro Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)
- ESR 6: Spin-Orbit coupling and spin relaxation in graphene and dichalcogenides; at theCentro Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)
- ESR 7: Integration of graphene (and other 2D crystals) devices with ferromagnetic insulators and magnetism in graphene CIC-NANOGUNE
- ESR 8: Control of spin injection and spin transport in graphene and other 2D crystals by molecular decoration; at CIC-NANOGUNE
- ESR 9: Spin states and relaxation in graphene quantum devices; at the RWTH Aachen
- ESR 10: Spin transport and spin dynamics in optimized graphene devices; at the University of Groningen
- ESR 11: Ferromagnetic proximity effect in graphene spin valves; at the University of Groningen
- ER 1: Exchange and spin-orbit effects; at the CNRS
- ER 2: Fabrication of spin-injection layers on graphene; at AMO-GMBH
- ER 3: Fabrication of graphene nanodevices for studying spin physics; at RWTH Aachen
- ER 4: Synthesis and transfer of graphene films suitable for spintronic applications; at GRAPHENEA.

How to apply
Applications, including a CV and a letter of intent, indicating the project reference should be sent to SPINOGRAPH@INL.INT, no later than 15 September 2013.
Information enquires concerning eligibility, positions and projects, can also be sent to SPINOGRAPH@INL.INT
Nr of positions available : 15

Research Fields

Physics - Computational physics

Career Stage

Early stage researcher or 0-4 yrs (Post graduate)
Experienced researcher or 4-10 yrs (Post-Doc)

Research Profile

First Stage Researcher (R1)


The recruited researchers will participate in challenging and exciting projects in the forefront of research on Spintronics in Graphene and benefit from several network wide Schools, workshops and specific training courses.
We are looking for bright and motivated individuals with a degree in Physics (or related discipline) and the will to excel in a highly competitive environment. Attractive salary conditions will be provided.

Comment/web site for additional job details