Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Post-Doc and PhD positions in TEM

The Institute for Experimental Physics at the University of Ulm invites applications for

2 Post-Doctoral (100 %) and 2 PhD student positions (50 %)

starting at the earliest possible date. The PhD positions will be for 3 years and the PostDoc positions for initially 2 years. Salary is according to German standards E13 TV-L.

The positions are available in the area of theoretical and experimental transmission electron microscopy. Possible topics include: a) 3D Strain mapping in semiconductor devices with sub-nanometer spatial resolution, b) Quantitative inline holography, c) Quantitative 3D electron diffraction and crystallography, d) Development of numerical tools to solve the dynamic inversion problem in electron diffraction from LARBED data, and e) Development of new electron optical devices.

The successful applicant will join the group of Prof. Christoph Koch (a recently established Carl Zeiss Professorship) at Ulm University. The experimental work will be carried out in a well-equipped TEM laboratory featuring, among others, a unique 200 kV Zeiss EM922 TEM featuring a high-transmissivity corrected Omega-type in-column filter, an imaging aberration-corrected FEI Titan 80-300, and, in the near future, the Cs-Cc-corrected Zeiss SALVE microscope optimized for atomic resolution at accelerating voltages between 20 and 80 kV. A modern specimen preparation lab including also a triple-beam FIB is available as well.

Applicants should have either a masters (for the PhD positions) or a doctorate (for the post-doc positions) degree in physics, mathematics or materials science and should be skilled in at least one computer programming language (preferably C/C++, Matlab, or Python). Knowledge of (electron) optics, diffraction, and (dynamical) electron scattering theory, as well as hands-on (experimental) TEM experience would be an advantage.

Informal inquiries can be made to christoph.koch@uni-ulm.de.

The university of Ulm is committed to increase the share of women in research and teaching positions and therefore explicitly encourages female candidates to apply.

The deadline for application is 22 December 2011 (or until positions filled). Applications should be sent to Prof. Christoph Koch, Institut für Experimentelle Physik, Ulm University, Albert-Einstein-Allee 11, 89081 Ulm, Germany and should include CV, list of publications, research interests, and names of two referees. Please indicate on the envelope the index number 132.

Job sharing is always possible for full time positions. Physically disabled applicants receive favourable consideration when equally qualified. The appointment is made by the central university administration.

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